Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Agile Strategist writes today with a reminder for us all.  Every one of us has responsibility for ensuring our personal safety and being ready for an emergency.  Public safety professionals are sworn to protect us, and they will at the risk of their own lives.  Yet, they must first arrive, locate those in need, and there may be more souls in extremes than they can rescue initially.

So, to you and I, to the young and old, to the exalted and the humble, we must all be ready to care for ourselves.  We owe it to our loved ones and to the organizations to which we belong.  Don't count on the public address system, your personal assistant, or the lucky occurrence of a helpful passerby.  Be ready to count on yourself - at least for a bit of time and for the first escape from danger.

A few steps and things to keep in mind.  (There are others, but to start...)

--Walk your fire evacuation route out of your workplace building.  Don't just read the card on the wall, walk the route.  Do it every few months to refresh your memory.  Find an alternate route too.

--Carry a small pocket flashlight.  Always. Everywhere.

--Keep your cell phone charged.  Make it a habit to charge your phone daily or nightly.

--Keep some bottled water with you.  At home, in your car, at your workplace.  Suggested amounts vary with the situation.  But keep several unopened bottles in each place.

--If you have critical medications, keep them on your person at all times if possible.

--Just as the authorities advise, make an emergency plan.  It helps you think of things that are important.  Its worth the little time it takes.

These, and other things The Agile Strategist will discuss in the future,  are for ALL OF US to do.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Welcome!  A few opening thoughts:

The Agile Strategist strives to be prepared, alert, and decisive - and encourages readers to strive to be the same.

The Agile Strategist believes in strategic planning - tempered with continuous situational awareness that prompts reassessment and updates.

The Agile Strategist believes in action and initiative, because passivity is a decision too - but merely in service of someone else's goals.

Finally, The Agile Strategist writes about subjects, and provides tips, observations, or reminders, for the value of the readers.  Posts will include experiences from my own expeditions and lessons we can all learn from previous lives and events.

Comments always welcome - The Agile Strategist has much still to learn...

Happiness, health, and safety until next time!